motorcycle tip over

Rider Control When Stopped – or Not (Video)

HOW OFTEN DO YOU DROP YOUR MOTORCYCLE? I don’t mean crash it, although that would certainly be a pertinent answer. In this instance, I simply mean dropping it while you’ve stopped, or while riding very slowly. One example would be pulling up to a stop sign and putting your foot down on some loose sand, Read more about Rider Control When Stopped – or Not (Video)[…]

Motorcycle Accident

He Said, “I’ll Never Ride a Motorcycle Again”

FELLOW MOTORCYCLISTS GET SMASHED ON THE PAVEMENT EVERY DAY. And many live to tell about it.  This morning I learned that one of my neighbors, a young 21-year-old rider, has been in the hospital for several days and is expected to remain there for another 2 weeks, before he can go home for a projected Read more about He Said, “I’ll Never Ride a Motorcycle Again”[…]

Helmet Safety Spectrum

Motorcycle Safety Ain’t For All Riders

WHERE ARE YOU ON THE SPECTRUM OF MOTORCYCLE SAFETY? If you are reading this, it could be presumed that you have some level of interest in motorcycle safety. But in my experience, what that means in terms of “how much” or “how little” you routinely demonstrate the “best practices” of rider safety may vary considerably. Read more about Motorcycle Safety Ain’t For All Riders[…]

Long Term Rider

What Are Common Motorcycle Rider Characteristics?

HOW SIMILAR OR DIFFERENT ARE YOU, COMPARED TO OTHER RIDERS? Over the years, non-motorcycle riders have asked me to express common traits among motorbike riders that I’ve observed. But I’ve been hard pressed to identify truly universal common rider attributes – other than a love of motorcycles and riding. Perhaps you know of some that Read more about What Are Common Motorcycle Rider Characteristics?[…]

Motorcycle Life Death

Motorcycle Riding on the Razor Edge of Life and Death

EVERY MOTORCYCLE RIDERS HAS HAD CLOSE CALLS. Which of yours were so close that you were in disbelief that a tragedy simply failed to materialize when it should have? (Write your experience below). The events that have really been on the edge of life and death for me, are some of my most vivid recollections. Read more about Motorcycle Riding on the Razor Edge of Life and Death[…]