Stereotypical Biker

Are You A Stereotypical Motorcyclist?

MOTORCYCLISTS ARE A MINORITY ON THE ROAD.  And amongst the majority of motorists who view motorcycles from inside their cars, there seems to be a few stereotypes accorded those of us on two wheels.  What stereotypes have you been labeled? But first, let’s visit the dictionary. Stereotype from the American Heritage Dictionary is defined as Read more about Are You A Stereotypical Motorcyclist?[…]

vintage motorcycle

Are Old Motorcycles for Old Fogies? (Video)

THE OLDER I GET THE MORE I LIKE OLDER MOTORCYCLES.  And I’m not only talking about the motorbikes that were prominent when I started riding back in the 1970’s.  I’m talking about bikes that go back throughout the 20th century and even back into the 19th century. BUT WHY? Beats me. I’m not a mechanic, Read more about Are Old Motorcycles for Old Fogies? (Video)[…]


Riding Through Big Trees and a Black Bear (Video)

SEQUOIA NATIONAL PARK IS AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE EXPERIENCE ALL BY ITSELF.  However, it is especially suited to motorcyclists as a result of its reasonably well maintained asphalt, lots of curves and great scenery.  It has an added advantage of being in the shadow of its more famous big sister, Yosemite National Park.  On the one Read more about Riding Through Big Trees and a Black Bear (Video)[…]


California Big Sur Coastal Riding and Camping (Video)

WHAT’S BETTER THAN MOTORBIKE RIDING AND CAMPING ALONG THE BIG SUR COASTLINE? Not too much. On the other hand, I’m one for riding and camping anywhere with mountains and lots of twisty roads. No matter, this roller-coaster motorcycle ride is fabulous entertainment on a grand scale. The Pacific Ocean and the jagged, scenic cliffs falling Read more about California Big Sur Coastal Riding and Camping (Video)[…]


Yosemite Riding with MCg and Richard (Video)

YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK, PARTICULARLY ROUTE 120 (TIOGA ROAD), EPITOMIZES MOTORCYCLE RIDING PLEASURE: as long as you ride early enough in the morning to beat the crowds. Don’t get me wrong. I love Yosemite. But I don’t love how popular this place is. Yosemite, and for that matter, Yellowstone National Park, are crown-jewel motorcycle destinations. But Read more about Yosemite Riding with MCg and Richard (Video)[…]


Death Valley Riding in Early Spring

FEW MOTORCYCLISTS CONTEMPLATE “COLD” WHEN RIDING DEATH VALLEY NATIONAL PARK. In fact, most anyone – riders or not – equate Death Valley with scorching desert heat.   More pertinent to riders, the park usually envelopes motorcyclists with moderate temperatures only in the late fall, winter and early spring.  Of course, regardless of what season you Read more about Death Valley Riding in Early Spring[…]


Take the 2 Minute Motorcycle Personality Test

Take the free Twisted Grip Motorcycle Personality Test and check out your personality analysis – all in 2 minutes. There are six questions, with multiple-choice answers (you can only select one answer per question). Your instant personality results may surprise you. You may find the analysis insightful, entertaining, or amusing. On the other hand, some Read more about Take the 2 Minute Motorcycle Personality Test[…]

Motorcycle Gifts

Motorcycle Gifts for Men and Women

GOOD GIFTS. BAD GIFTS. OFFBEAT GIFTS. MOTORCYCLE GIFTS. Motorcycle apparel, parts and accessories for men, women and children. Heck, there’s motorbike gifts for adventure riders, cruisers, dirtbike riders, dual-purpose riders, luxury-touring riders, sportbike enthusiasts, sport-touring riders, vintage motorcyclists and anyone else who is interested in two-wheeled, motorized vehicles. Check out motorcycle helmets, jackets, boots, gloves Read more about Motorcycle Gifts for Men and Women[…]